I know we had a great night and we are awake now basking in good health and sound mind.
We bless The Lord.
This morning, the spirit laid in my heart to talk about Evangelism.
Evangelism like many are familiar with, is reaching out to souls around you so that they might have the eternal life that you already have through CHRIST JESUS.
But many of us are very scared to talk to the person sitting next to us or go out randomly to talk.
I learnt something dear friends. You do not necessarily have to ring a bell, or scream the "you are going to hell if you don't do/ do this" words. There are many ways we can evangelize.
If I haven't said this before, I will like to share with us. Before I started the blog, I never used to be a writer and till now I'm still not a writer. But the blog was an initiative given to me as an evangelism propaganda after I have disturbed God so much that I want to preach the Gospel without "screaming".
There are keys to go about this and totally enjoy doing it.
1. Study the people/environment you are going to speak to.
This is a very important key dear friends.
You cannot say you want to speak to people who have barely eaten and you go empty handed. No food no nothing and you expect them to listen? No.
Neither can you "Baff up" to a place or area where you know they might not listen to you cos you are a "rich kid" so to speak; all dressed up, someone who wouldn't even naturally want to hang out with them.
Take a cue from their dressing, speeches, try to "blend" in a little so they can welcome you with open arms.
How did you think those missionaries brought Christianity to us? This is a question we should ask ourselves.
2. We should come to the understanding that whatever God gave us, we can use to proclaim the Gospel.
On this matter, I will like to give a scenario.
A woman (Pastor) once went to a restaurant in a classy place of town and stumbled on some very classy ladies. Looking all glam and fashionable. This preacher began to wonder how she would penetrate into them and chip in the Jesus' word to them without being 'snobbed'.
Then it occurred to her, "you are well dressed, classy too in a way, you can speak to them even if they are snobs, they will not snob you because you look real good".
So, she walked up to them and started to chat about makeups, how the ladies looked and all. Then the lady preacher goes... "Do you mind taking me to where you learned how to do your make up?" The ladies gladly agreed but wondered how they would get there considering the fact that they weren't mobile. The preacher then goes, " don't worry, I have a car I'll drive us there".
Trust me, if those girls didn't want to listen before, but because you have found a way to win them over with that which Jesus gave you, they have no option than to pay attention.
And lastly,
3. Ask God to help you Love the way HE loves.
This one is very important. If you really love the way God loves, you would not see your neighbour perish and care less. This is a prayer I still pray . "God help me to Love like you Love."
But when you begin to love like HE does, you would not care if she is a prostitute, you would be fine with her, embrace her, you are not judgemental,show her love and by your actions, you win her over.
As this was not my doing to speak to you but the Holy Spirit in me wrought these words, I know you have all been touched and you are thinking/mapping out evangelism strategies.
God bless you. 🙏
Let's pray. Dear God, I come before you today. I know it is the great commission you gave all believers to preach the gospel. I do not want to do it out of Force but out of will and I'm scared. But dear God, I want you to help me Love the way YOU do help me see my neighbour the way YOU do and help me show that Love to everyone; that Love that YOU showed me through the person YOU used for me. This Love will remove fear from me and make me reach out to many. Thank You Daddy. I ask all these in JESUS' mighty name. Amen.
Thank you for your time dear friends. Stay glued here as our daily 5s will be coming up in a bit.
God bless you.
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