Saturday, 20 February 2016

Our daily 5s

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Top of the morning to you my dear friends and readers. 
     After the very busy week, I had a very loooong sleep hence the delay in our morning dose. This sister right here is just waking out of her tiredness... 
I'm very sure I'm not the only one guilty of this πŸ˜„. 
     Meanwhile, have you said thank you to God today? If not, please do.
Ok as our regular custom, I'm supposed to give us our daily dose and here we go dear friends. 
Remain Blessed. 

1. No woman wants to be in submission to a man who is not in submission to God.- T.D Jakes

2. You don't attract what you want but you attract what you are.- Dr. Wayne Dyer

3. Upon the palms of my hands I have written your name.- Israel Houghton

4. God is the only one who can make a Valle of trouble a door of hope.- Catherine Marshall

5. Patience is not a matter of human will. It is a dependence on the power of Jesus Christ.- Rick Warren

Remain Blessed.

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