Monday, 22 February 2016

Our daily 5s

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Goodmorning everyone. I trust we had a splendid weekend and a wonderful Sunday.
I am so sorry I didn't give everyone our daily dose. 
So, it's a Monday morning and we definitely need the dose to carry on. God bless you.

1. Once you believe that you deserve what it is you desire, only then will you be brave enough to step up, claim it and go after it.- Marvin Sapp

2. Everyone will not understand where God has called you to go but that's not a excuse for you not to go there. -Cece Winans

3. Just bow and pray. Then give it all up. -Yolanda Adams

4. Never think that your obedience does not matter. Others will be impacted by it, It will inspire some and deeply convict many. -Cornelius Lindsey

5. There are two ways of spreading light. To be a candle or the mirror that reflects it. - Edith Wharton

Thank you everyone and God bless you all. Do have a nice day.

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