I know it could sound like a broken record when we keep hearing the phrase "words are powerful, speak positively etc". But, let us be sincere, my own revelation of this is just exactly how this image depicts it.
When the earth was to be formed, words were being spoken and it became a reality.
I chose to use this image simply because it shows the exact way words affect the human mind.
What we speak to ourselves, our friends, family affects and changes a lot of things.
What A speaks is from a deposit of what A has stored up in His or her mind. And B who is on the receiving end, only receives by virtue of what is being deposited in him/her by A.
What do we store up in our subconscious?
Are we defined by what people think of us or what we think of ourselves?
Do people's opinions define who we are?
Are the things we say about ourselves a result of what people have made us believe we are?
Let me give you some life stories.
Anytime I say "life" ehn, it could be my personal story or a story someone must have told me sometime back
Story 1: Me
I work in the event industry,
it is an industry where paying attention to details is what really gets the job done.
So, I used to forget a whole lot of vital information for events and it cost my company some extra unbudgeted cash.
This thing worried me so much especially when it became a thing of ridicule. My colleagues began to dump anything they'd forget on my head saying the told me and knowing who I was, I'll be all confused and even begin to believe I was being told.
Anytime I remembered I was not told, it was always late and I would have borne the repercussion.
I started accepting my "fate" as the forgetful one. And everything about me started to get retartded.
Not until one day, I thought to myself that if I continued like this in the company, I would be valueless . So I took it to God in prayer. Everyday I said to myself, I no longer forget things. My mind is sharpened, I have a renewed memory, I regain my lost glory etc
I started taking notes at the slightest word spoken, sometimes recording the meetings.
In less than a month, I started seeing changes. My mind was continually renewed by the positive things I ingested and spoke to my subconscious.
I'm still a work in progress , I do not have a better yesterday but I'm actually better than what I used to be.
That is my story. I spoke the change to be
I will not like to bore you with the motivation but, in the next edition of speak, I will be talking about a man who spoke the future of his child to be when they had the challenges of "barrenness"
Start by speaking a word, then a sentence, a paragraph and it becomes a part of you to keep speaking .
Till later...
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