Saturday, 2 April 2016


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Life, the preacher says,"it's vanity".
"A time to be born and a time to die.", says the ecclesiastic. 

I wonder if people can be attached to someone who they have never met, but feel their pains as if it were theirs.

She was born at a particular season, she lived her life full of life. She reached out to souls with her actions and words.

"In this life, there will be trials and tribulations. But be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.", says the Prince of Peace.

She had her own share of trials and tribulations.
Anyone outside of her body may not have felt the exact pains she felt. 

 But somehow, we could understand. 

The "C" word is something that even if we haven't experienced, and I pray we won't, everybody can imagine the trauma and the severity that is attached to it.

She suffered one. She reached out to the world, the world heard her cry; even though the world is filled with many evil people. 

But her character, her aura, which you can feel over 200km away, softened even the hardest and rockiest of hearts.

She was assisted.

She fought.

She conquered.

She survived. 

But, the cruel "C" surfaced again in yet another form. As she battled the first "C" and survived, the other one surfaced.

What surprised and gave me strength to appreciate the "no-C" state I was in, was her incessant faith in the Living God.

"Be of Good cheer...". 

It looked as if that part was written about her and just for her. Because, she actually was of Good cheer.

Her strength, drew people to her. Her life ministered to those who had lesser issues.

From afar, she taught me to FIGHT. 
From afar, she taught me to TRUST.
From afar, she taught me to HOPE.
From afar, she taught me to PRAY.
From afar, she taught me never to GIVE UP.

It is really crazy that after this victory which we heard about her even for the second time, the third "C" came. 

And that, was what drew her into the pangs of DEATH.

Even in her last days, her words were soothing and strengthening.

But, what I know for sure is, if that passage is totally about her alone then, she has TRULY "...overcome the WORLD..."


I never met you.
But, someday I will. That I know for sure.

FROM AFAR, I sense your PEACE.
FROM AFAR, I sense GOD, welcoming you home with a great BIG HUG.

That PEACE, I one day seek.
That HUG, I one day will get from my FATHER who there is no variableness or shadow of turning in HIM.

I love you.
From Afar.

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